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Breeding for pre-harvest sprouting resistance in bread wheat under rainfed conditions

Muhammad ZEESHAN, Waheed ARSHAD, Muhammad Imran KHAN, Shiraz ALI, Ali NAWAZ, Amina BATOOL, Muhammad TARIQ, Muhammad Imran AKRAM, Muhammad Amjad ALI

Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering 2018, Volume 5, Issue 2,   Pages 253-261 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2018218

Abstract: After natural rainfall, seeds were immediately collected from the wet spikes and tested for germinating abilityThe combining ability (CA) demonstrated a higher proportion of additive genetic effects for sproutingresistance, because of higher variance of general and specific CA for both parameters under study.

Keywords: bread wheat     germination index     general combining ability     pre-harvest sprouting     specific combining ability    

reduces IgE binding ability of allergenic egg white proteins

Sen LI, Marina OFFENGENDEN, Michael G. GÄNZLE, Jianping WU

Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering 2018, Volume 5, Issue 3,   Pages 373-381 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2018210

Abstract: of this study was to investigate the effect of Aspergillus oryzae cultivation on IgE binding abilityAdding mycelium of A. oryzae ATCC 1011 and 16868 substantially reduced the IgE binding abilityTherefore, the reduction of IgE binding ability of egg white proteins during A. oryzae treatment

Keywords: Aspergillus oryzae     egg allergy     egg white proteins     IgE-binding ability     ovomucoid    

Drainage design combining drain holes and pinholes for tunnel boring machine segments subject to high

Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 2023, Volume 17, Issue 11,   Pages 1723-1738 doi: 10.1007/s11709-023-0948-z

Abstract: Balance of the groundwater and ecology is crucial for controlled discharge. However, regarding the segments of tunnel boring machines (TBMs) under high water pressure, the stability of the lining structure is often reduced by excessive drain holes required to achieve this balance. The large discharge of pinholes can easily have severe consequences, such as the lowering of the groundwater table, drying of springs, and vegetation wilting. Thus, in this study, according to the fluid–structure coupling theory, a new drainage design for TBM segments was developed by considering a mountain tunnel subject to a high water pressure as a case study. The evolution characteristics, including the external water pressure of the lining, discharge volume of the segment, and groundwater-table drawdown, were investigated via numerical modeling with drain holes and pinholes. The results indicated that the optimal design parameters of drainage segments for the project case were as follows: a circumferential spacing angle and longitudinal number on one side of a single ring of 51° and 2, respectively, for the drain holes and an inclination angle and length of 46.41° and 0.25 times the grouting thickness, respectively, for the pin holes.

Keywords: TBM segment     high water pressure     drain hole     pinhole     groundwater table drawdown    

Potential advantages in combining smart and green infrastructure over silo approaches for future cities


Frontiers of Engineering Management 2021, Volume 8, Issue 1,   Pages 98-108 doi: 10.1007/s42524-020-0136-y

Abstract: Cities are incorporating smart and green infrastructure components in their urban design policies, adapting existing and new infrastructure systems to integrate technological advances to mitigate extreme weather due to climate change. Research has illustrated that smart green infrastructure (SGI) provides not only climate change resilience but also many health and wellbeing benefits that improve the quality of life of citizens. With the growing demand for smart technology, a series of problems and challenges, including governance, privacy, and security, must be addressed. This paper explores the potential to transition from grey, green, or smart silos to work with nature-based solutions and smart technology to help change cities to achieve considerable environmental and socio-economic benefits. The concepts of grey, green, and smart infrastructure are presented, and the needs, benefits, and applications are investigated. Moreover, the advantages of using integrated smart, green nature-based solutions are discussed. A comprehensive literature review is undertaken with keyword searches, including journal papers, stakeholder and case study reports, and local authority action plans. The methodology adopts multimethod qualitative information review, including literature, case studies, expert interviews, and documentary analysis. Published data and information are analysed to capture the key concepts in implementing SGI systems, such as storm-water control, flood and coastal defense, urban waste management, transportation, recreation, and asset management. The paper investigates the elimination of silo approaches and the alleviation of the destructions caused by extreme weather events using these interdependent SGI systems supported by novel data-driven platforms to provide nature-based solutions to boost the health and wellbeing of the residents.

Keywords: grey infrastructure     green infrastructure     smart infrastructure     smart and green combined infrastructure     smart cities     future cities    

Role of biologic components in a novel floating-bed combining

Hailiang SONG, Xianning LI, Wei LI, Xiwu LU

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2014, Volume 8, Issue 2,   Pages 215-225 doi: 10.1007/s11783-013-0587-z

Abstract: A novel floating-bed incorporated with water spinach ( ), Asiatic clam ( ), and carrier media supported biofilm was developed for eutrophic water purification. The contributions of each biologic component to the removals of total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP) and Chl.a were examined. The nutrient removals due to the direct uptake by either water spinach or Asiatic clam were less than 10%, suggesting a negligible role of biologic assimilation and leaving the biofilm as the indispensable biologic component in the floating-bed. Chl.a was reduced mainly by Asiatic clams via filter-feeding. Meanwhile, the digestion and excretion of Asiatic clams benefited the proliferation of nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria, resulting in the improvement of TN removal. In summary, the synergetic effects of water spinach, Asiatic clams and biofilms would promote the eutrophic water treatment performance of floating-bed in comparison with the conventional floating-bed with vegetation as the single biologic component.

Keywords: floating-bed     Corbicula fluminea     biofilm carrier     eutrophication    

Investigating the challenges related to combining BIM and Last Planner System on construction sites


Frontiers of Engineering Management 2021, Volume 8, Issue 2,   Pages 172-182 doi: 10.1007/s42524-019-0086-4

Abstract: The construction industry is facing a gradual but important transformation toward more productivity and collaboration. In this framework, two major approaches are often cited in the literature as having the potential to improve the practices in the industry: Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Lean Construction. Several scientific studies have demonstrated the synergy of these two approaches and very recent research has reported positive results from the use of software applications as support for their implementation on construction sites. However, the stakes of such integration have been very little studied. This article presents the results of a research project conducted within a general contractor firm that decided to implement BIM and Last Planner System (LPS) on its construction sites. The research uses a four-stage action research approach, including the characterization of the research issue, the establishment of an action plan, its implementation and its evaluation. Compared to recent related studies, the research is less enthusiastic. While it highlights the need for new tools to improve production planning and control, it also points to a strong resistance to change by practitioners at the site. They emphasize the necessity for adequate pre-service training and the need for new resources that can work full-time on the ongoing training of site teams. In addition, some limitations of the tool lead workers to believe that it can quickly become a factor that slows down their daily work rather than improving it. Based on the advice of professionals, the paper formulates some recommendations to the industry, the researchers and the software developers.

Keywords: Building Information Modeling     Last Planner System     construction site     lean construction    

Filtration ability of hollow fiber membrane for production of magnesium ammonium phosphate crystals by

H. Watamura, H. Marukawa, I. Hirasawa

Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering 2013, Volume 7, Issue 1,   Pages 55-59 doi: 10.1007/s11705-013-1312-y

Abstract: Relationship between magnesium ammonium phosphate (MAP) crystal properties and the filtration abilitySo improvement of the crystallization process by combining with filtration was discussed.The filtration was evaluated by the specific filtration resistance ( ) on HFM.

Keywords: membrane separation     crystallization     MAP    

A numerical wave model with weak nonlinearity and its application ability analysis

Liu Zhongbo,Tang Jun

Strategic Study of CAE 2010, Volume 12, Issue 9,   Pages 96-100


Based on the extended Boussinesq equation with weak nonlinearity, 2-D numerical model was established in nonstaggered grids by the finite difference method. The nonstaggered grids were used with the first-order spatial derivatives being discretized by the fourth-order and the second-order terms discertized by the second-order. For the time derivatives, a composite fourth-order accurate Adams-Bashforth Moulton scheme was used. Numerical simulation was done upon one-dimension and two-dimension wave propagations problem, and through the comparisons of numerical results with the related experimental data, the application of the extended Boussinesq equations were investigated.

Keywords: numerical model     application ability     wave    

Framework design of a hybrid energy system by combining wind farm with small gas turbine power plants

Nengsheng BAO, Weidou NI,

Frontiers in Energy 2010, Volume 4, Issue 2,   Pages 205-210 doi: 10.1007/s11708-009-0073-2

Abstract: Owing to the stochastic characteristic of natural wind speed, the output fluctuation of wind farm has a negative impact on power grid when a large-scale wind farm is connected to a power grid. It is very difficult to overcome this impact only by wind farm itself. A novel power system called wind-gas turbine hybrid energy system was discussed, and the framework design of this hybrid energy system was presented in detail in this paper. The hybrid energy system combines wind farm with several small gas turbine power plants to form an integrated power station to provide a relatively firm output power. The small gas turbine power plant has such special advantages as fast start-up, shutdown, and quick load regulation to fit the requirement of the hybrid energy system. Therefore, the hybrid energy system uses the output from the small gas turbine power plants to compensate for the output fluctuation from the wind farm for the firm output from the whole power system. To put this hybrid energy system into practice, the framework must be designed first. The capacity of the wind farm is chosen according to the capacity and units of small gas turbine power plants, load requirement from power grid, and local wind energy resource distribution. Finally, a framework design case of hybrid energy system was suggested according to typical wind energy resource in Xinjiang Autonomous Region in China.

Keywords: framework design     hybrid energy system     wind farm     gas turbine power plants    

A large-scale screening of metal-organic frameworks for iodine capture combining molecular simulation

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2023, Volume 17, Issue 12, doi: 10.1007/s11783-023-1748-3


● Screened 8862 metal-organic frameworks for I2 capture via molecular simulation.

Keywords: Iodine capture     Metal-organic framework     Large-scale screening     Molecular simulation     Machine learning    

The Research on Improving the Ability to Pass Over the Three Gorges Shiplock by Optimizing Hydraulic

Cao Guangrong,Hu Ya’an and Gao Xiong

Strategic Study of CAE 2007, Volume 9, Issue 12,   Pages 75-80

Abstract: mode, the ways transferring the ships downriver from near frusta to chamber 1 can increase passing ability

Keywords: Three Gorges shiplock;operating mode;water condition;passing ability    

Removal of organic matter and disinfection by-products precursors in a hybrid process combining ozonation

Xiaojiang FAN,Yi TAO,Dequan WEI,Xihui ZHANG,Ying LEI,Hiroshi NOGUCHI

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2015, Volume 9, Issue 1,   Pages 112-120 doi: 10.1007/s11783-014-0745-y

Abstract: The performance of an integrated process including coagulation, ozonation, ceramic ultrafiltration (UF) and biologic activated carbon (BAC) filtration was investigated for the removal of organic matter and disinfection by-products (DBPs) precursors from micro-polluted surface water. A pilot scale plant with the capacity of 120 m per day was set up and operated for the treatment of drinking water. Ceramic membranes were used with the filtration area of 50 m and a pore size of 60 nm. Dissolved organic matter was divided into five fractions including hydrophobic acid (HoA), base (HoB) and neutral (HoN), weakly hydrophobic acid (WHoA) and hydrophilic matter (HiM) by DAX-8 and XAD-4 resins. The experiment results showed that the removal of organic matter was significantly improved with ozonation in advance. In sum, the integrated process removed 73% of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), 87% of UV , 77% of trihalomethane (THMs) precursors, 76% of haloacetic acid (HAAs) precursors, 83%of trichloracetic aldehyde (CH) precursor, 77% of dichloroacetonitrile (DCAN) precursor, 51% of trichloroacetonitrile (TCAN) precursor, 96% of 1,1,1-trichloroacetone (TCP) precursor and 63% of trichloronitromethane (TCNM) precursor. Hydrophobic organic matter was converted into hydrophilic organic matter during ozonation/UF, while the organic matter with molecular weight of 1000–3000 Da was remarkably decreased and converted into lower molecular weight organic matter ranged from 200–500 Da. DOC had a close linear relationship with the formation potential of DBPs.

Keywords: ceramic ultrafiltration(UF)     ozonation     organic matter     hydrophilic     hydrophobic     disinfection by-products    

3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)-overoxidized polypyrrole composite films with enhanced electrocatalytic ability

Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering 2023, Volume 17, Issue 6,   Pages 735-748 doi: 10.1007/s11705-022-2262-z

Abstract: In this study, a simple and effective method was proposed to improve the electrocatalytic ability ofdifferential pulse voltammetry peak currents, reduced charge transfer resistance, larger effective specific

Keywords: overoxidized poly(3     4-ethylenedioxythiophene)-overoxidized polypyrrole     rutin     luteolin     incubation     electrocatalytic mechanism    

Ribbed strip rolling by three-dimensional finite element method combining extremely thin array of elements

Zhengyi JIANG,

Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering 2010, Volume 5, Issue 1,   Pages 52-60 doi: 10.1007/s11465-009-0087-9

Abstract: In this paper, a three-dimensional finite element modelling of the ribbed strip rolling is carried out, coupling the use of an extremely thin array of elements that is equivalent to the calculation of the additional shear deformation work rate occurred by the velocity discontinuity in the roll bite. The formulation of the finite element modelling by adding a rib inclined contact surface boundary condition is derived, and the performance of the proposed method is conducted. The simulated rib height, forward slip, and the pulling down of rib height have been compared with the measured values and are in good agreement. The equivalent strain rate of the rib was obtained in the simulation. The effect of the rib inclined angle on pulling down of rib height has also been discussed, which is helpful in optimizing the design of the rib inclined angle.

Keywords: rib inclined contact boundary condition     ribbed strip     extremely thin elements     pulling down of rib height     finite element modelling    

Unmanned aerial vehicle hierarchical detection of leaf blast in rice crops based on a specific spectral

Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2024576


● A new vegetation index, rice blast index (RBI), was constructed to detect rice leaf blast.

Keywords: Drone remote sensing technology     hyperspectral technology     leaf blast disease     rice     vegetation index    

Title Author Date Type Operation

Breeding for pre-harvest sprouting resistance in bread wheat under rainfed conditions

Muhammad ZEESHAN, Waheed ARSHAD, Muhammad Imran KHAN, Shiraz ALI, Ali NAWAZ, Amina BATOOL, Muhammad TARIQ, Muhammad Imran AKRAM, Muhammad Amjad ALI

Journal Article

reduces IgE binding ability of allergenic egg white proteins

Sen LI, Marina OFFENGENDEN, Michael G. GÄNZLE, Jianping WU

Journal Article

Drainage design combining drain holes and pinholes for tunnel boring machine segments subject to high

Journal Article

Potential advantages in combining smart and green infrastructure over silo approaches for future cities


Journal Article

Role of biologic components in a novel floating-bed combining

Hailiang SONG, Xianning LI, Wei LI, Xiwu LU

Journal Article

Investigating the challenges related to combining BIM and Last Planner System on construction sites


Journal Article

Filtration ability of hollow fiber membrane for production of magnesium ammonium phosphate crystals by

H. Watamura, H. Marukawa, I. Hirasawa

Journal Article

A numerical wave model with weak nonlinearity and its application ability analysis

Liu Zhongbo,Tang Jun

Journal Article

Framework design of a hybrid energy system by combining wind farm with small gas turbine power plants

Nengsheng BAO, Weidou NI,

Journal Article

A large-scale screening of metal-organic frameworks for iodine capture combining molecular simulation

Journal Article

The Research on Improving the Ability to Pass Over the Three Gorges Shiplock by Optimizing Hydraulic

Cao Guangrong,Hu Ya’an and Gao Xiong

Journal Article

Removal of organic matter and disinfection by-products precursors in a hybrid process combining ozonation

Xiaojiang FAN,Yi TAO,Dequan WEI,Xihui ZHANG,Ying LEI,Hiroshi NOGUCHI

Journal Article

3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)-overoxidized polypyrrole composite films with enhanced electrocatalytic ability

Journal Article

Ribbed strip rolling by three-dimensional finite element method combining extremely thin array of elements

Zhengyi JIANG,

Journal Article

Unmanned aerial vehicle hierarchical detection of leaf blast in rice crops based on a specific spectral

Journal Article